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Keep me updated..

With increased use of the Social network solutions like Whatsapp groups, Facebook pages in addition to the emails. Important communication messages may get lost very quickly with a flood of shared information and/or discussions.

After having explored options and alternatives, the EC has concluded to adjust communication methods to allow direct contact with individuals in addition to group-based communication. Below are three options and needed actions from all of you.

1. Whatsapp broadcast 

a. Use of a dedicated Whatsapp number allowing direct messages coming from BMMS Contact number.

b. Recipients will see the message a individual communication with BMMS.

Your action: Add the contact below in your phone contacts. only then a broadcast will reach you.

2. e-mail:

a. Most of the emails are sent from the online portal.

b. Each contact can select which communication emails you would wish tot receive.

Your action: emails sent from the portal may be classified as promotion or spam. Classify them as a normal, from a trusted sender.

3. Facebook:

a. BMMS has a group and a page for connecting with the community.

Your action: (IF you use facebook) connect/join the BMMS facebook resources.

If you think information is not reaching you, please start by taking actions proposed above. If you are not registred with any medium, then fillup the form below to signup for receiving information. Enter mobile phone number(s) to receive information on Whatsapp in addition to email.

*If you already have one person record in the system, then you can also modify/add contact details to the existing record.   

Subscription form

* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Full Name - Family Member 1
email - Family Member 1
Full Name - Family Member 2
email - Family Member 2
Full Name - Family Member 3
email - Family Member 3
Additional Mobile number
For Whatsapp Communication